
The Unknown Mandara by William Blake

Titled "Spiritual Condition of Man".  Now in custody of a museum, this work was originally kept hidden from the public eyes by the owner W. Graham Robertson.

Eden: a color experiment


The Card that gave Crowley a chance for lawsuit

"On the 7th January, 1933, Crowley was walking down Praed Street in London. He stopped to look into the window of a bookshop and there saw a copy of his novel Moonchild. Attached to it was a card with these words written on it: "Aleister Crowley's first novel The Diary of a Drug Fiend was withdrawn from circulation after an attack in the sensational Press".  John Symonds The Great Beast (London: Rider and Company, 1951). p.285.

Found in Moonchild  (London: Mandrake Press, 1929).

an image


Althea Gyles

from The Dome (1898).

Sapiens Dominabitur Astris

From Astrologie Theologized (1886) by Anna Kingsford.

Nightmare By Daylight (1936)

edited by Christine Campbell Thomson. This horror anthology contains "The Flute of Seven Stops", a very rare short story written by Dion Fortune.


Beni Hasan

Servants of the Kar.

"In the great scence of offerings to Amenement on the South Wall of Tomb 2, in the right hand top corner, is a representation of the priest engaged."

copied by M.W. Blackden, 1891.



Formidable Women

". . .she was a very stout fair lady of 60, resembling Mrs. Tingley, she also called herself Swami Vivekananda, but gave no real name. . ."

left: Mrs Tingley.  right: Mme Horos.


A sample letter of A.E.F. Horniman


"Dear Sir,
I am sorry to say that your play would no do for my theatre so I return it at once.
Yours truly
A.E.F. Horniman"

Her letterhead mark shows GD symbolism.

Inscription by Kenneth R.H. Mackenzie


Found in The Marvellous Adventure of Tyll Owlglass (1860) by Kenneth R.H. Mackenzie.

Inscription by Maurice Beachcroft


Found in The Perfect Way (1891) by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland.
Beachcroft was a member of the Independent and Rectified Rite R.R. et A.C.

Bookplate of A.E. Waite


Found in Later Poems (1902)  by Alice Meynell


Tree and Serpent


CG Vault


Experimental. v.2.

Bookplate of M. Curtis Webb

found in The Rosicrucian Mysteries (1911) by Max Heindel.

Dare to Make Magic

 Dare To Make Magic (1969) by D. Edwards.  The very first edition published by the Order of the Cubic Stone.


The purpose of this blog -- another storehouse for big files of magical materials i.e. pictures, PDFs etc with additional comments, in case some guests are not able to make access to the files stored in the main archival blog.

        ------  Oujupah

Signature of W.E.C.D.